Dear Seattle
Its been 12 weeks since I arrived here. These 12 weeks of internship have been the most joyful experience of my life in USA. What is that thing which makes this city so special for me? Well, is it because of my exciting job at amazon? May be. Or is it because of the company of the cutest couple on Earth? Indeed. Or is it because of the mountains and the lakes which surround this beautiful city? Definitely. All these reasons and many more have only increased my love for Seattle. But there is more to that. Before coming to Seattle, I was tensed, afraid and confused due to my inner struggles. Well, when I now think about it, I couldn’t find any valid reason for that misery and pain, given that I had multiple jobs in hand, a perfect GPA and above all, I had the most amazing roommates, friends and a family away from home. Still, something was missing. Something which I was unable to find till now. Ever since I graduated four years back, the various thoughts of going away from...